Friday, July 24, 2009

For everything there is a beginning...

Dearest Adelaide,

I have to admit, I never thought I would start a blog. However, seeing that I am hopeless at scrapbooking, journaling, or anything that has to do with documenting special memories, I thought I could give this a try. I don't want to forget these days, for they are some of the best ones of my life. And that has a lot to do with you, little one! For family and friends (and you have many, my dear!) that want to keep up with you, they are welcome into our little world.

First of all, let me tell you about how much of a little miracle you are. Jeff and I prayed for you, about you, around you...before we even knew you were going to exist. I had lost a baby a few months before and although that time was filled with sadness and emptiness for your dad and I, we knew God would bless us with you one day. And it was sooner than we expected! However, things didn't look to bright for you at first. The doctors didn't think you were going to make it. But, Adelaide, you were a fighter...stronger than any doctors thought you could ever be. We fell to our knees and prayed. I could write a book about how your family and friends hit their knees as well and called on the Father to will you into existence. It was pretty powerful stuff...those prayers. We prayed for your little heart to form...and it did! Isn't is crazy that we knew you before you even had a heart!? And then, your heart wasn't "functioning" properly. But we knew that wasn't what God planned for you...we knew His plans were GOOD for you and that you would be healthy! And, what do you know, your heart beefed up and formed correctly..and is perfect!! You earned the nickname "the Boyer Warrior" because you were so strong. We knew that God must have extraordinary plans for you to beat out the devil who was trying to destroy you..Evil knew how powerful you were going to be for the kingdom of God and didn't want you to be born...but guess who won out?!

Soon I will write to you about my pregnancy with wasn't pretty, but all is well because you came out just perfect! I couldn't even believe that God could make something so beautiful as you. Your dad and I are so proud of you. We want you to know that we pray for you everyday and we can't wait to see what adventures you will lead us on. I hope that we will be good parents to you...give you nourishment, love, and provide you with a safe and secure home. But, our deeper prayer is that we will call to life your real essence as a person. You are the precious daughter of that he cherishes and with He is greatly pleased. Never forget that.

Addie, this is my prayer for you is from Ephesians 3:16-19...
I ask the Father is His great glory to give you the power to be strong in spirit. He will give you that strenght through His Spirit. I pray that Christ will live in your heart because of your faith. I pray that your life will be strong in love and be built on love. And I pray that you and all God's holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ's love. I pray that you can understand how wide and how long and how deep that love is. Christ's love is greater than any person can ever know. But I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with the fullness of God.

We love you...Mom and Dad


  1. What a precious post! That got me all teary-eyed! Laura has kept me informed on you guys and sweet Addie. She is so adorable...what a blessing! So glad you started a blog!

  2. That was so precious! I can't wait to meet this little MIRACLE! Keep on bloggin girl, you are gonna be good at it!
